
Save a Planet. Gallery Note. Winners.

24 Oct 2020

Save a Planet. Gallery Note. Winners.

This exhibition was very special to us. Once we invited Victor Stabin,  a famous American artist, he immediately suggested the theme of the exhibition "Save a Planet" and offered the main picture for the event. The message in his works, his ideas say a lot about the personality of our curator. It was definitely inspirational to many artists to apply for this exhibition. For us, it was also a pleasure to meet and work with Victor.

If you found yourself in Pennsylvania near Jim Thorpe town, stop by his amazing museum. It is a real gem.  

Our artists responded with such astonishing interest and caring. They really felt a connection with the theme.  This exhibition became more than just an art show, but a strong message to humanity. 

Almost every work came with a description. Often the description was the part of the artwork. Look for yourself.

"We must think ahead for that the future generations can be born into a habitable world."


"Nature will take over sooner or later. We can only pretend our superiority and delay the moment when the earth will swallow us."



"Love and memory will save the planet from becoming an empty space." Lenny Khimishman. 


"Kind Angels watch over our planet and give an opportunity to remember the Paradise"



"Cultivated with great love, this planet will become a complete celestial body and float towards the sky"

Susy RabiscArt


We were very happy to host this exhibition. Now it's time to announce the winners.

The winners of this exhibition can apply for our next exhibition "Immanent Secrets" for free.

Curators Award ($100) - "Big Banana Boom". Aucurum

Gallery Award ($100) - "Пейзаж с рыбой" ("Landscape with a Fish"). MonaCuba

Public Vote Award ($50) - "Voltando pra Casa" ("Returning Home"). Emanuel Sansana

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